Chapter 5 : Section 13

Petitioning & Finalization


The Petition to Adopt shall not be filed prior to the child being in the adoptive home for six months, unless there are extenuating circumstances.

DCS dependent children with a permanency goal of adoption must be in the prospective adoptive parent(s)’ home for six months prior to the Department consenting to the adoption. Any exceptions must be approved by the Program Administrator prior to giving DCS consent.

Twenty-four hours prior to the final adoption hearing, the Department shall conduct a check of the Guardian database to determine if there are any open DCS investigations involving the prospective adoptive family.

The Department shall inform the court and all parties in the adoption and dependency matters of any open DCS investigations involving the prospective adoptive family.

If there is an open DCS investigation involving the prospective adoptive family, the Department shall inform the court and all parties that DCS consent will be withdrawn due to an open investigation.

The Department shall conduct and submit a Social Study to the court. The Social Study shall be submitted to the court ten days before the hearing on the petition to adopt.

A prospective adoptive parent who is a non-resident of this state, whether married, unmarried or legally separated, is eligible to qualify to adopt a child in Arizona if all of the following apply:

  • the child is a dependent child and currently under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court in this state;

  • the child currently resides in the home of the applicant;

  • the Department placed the child in the home of the applicant;

  • the Department consents to the adoption of the child by the applicant; and

  • the Foster Care Review Board has reviewed the child’s case, except that the court may not delay the child’s adoption if the Foster Care Review Board has not reviewed the child’s case.

Certified adoptive parents may file more than one Petition to Adopt during a certification period.

An adoption may be finalized six months after the child is placed in the adoptive home, or sooner if a reason for an expedited adoption is present.

Expedited adoption may be requested under any of the following circumstances:

  • The child is diagnosed as having a chronically debilitating, progressive, or fatal disease.

  • The prospective adoptive parent or the natural parent or legal parent is diagnosed as being terminally ill.

  • The child is free for adoption, is at least 16 years of age, consents to the adoption, and has lived with the prospective adoptive parent for at least six months.

  • The court determines that other compelling reasons exist, based on the special needs and welfare of the child.

Any exceptions must be approved by the Program Administrator prior to giving DCS consent.

The prospective adoptive parent shall make the final decision on whether to file for an expedited adoption proceeding. The Department may either support or oppose this decision, based on consideration of the needs of the child.


Considering a Petition to Adopt

Before recommending a petition for adoption, consider:

  • if the child is working through normal issues of adjustment to the adoptive home, including separation and loss, power and control, attachment and bonding;

  • if the adoptive family appears able to cope with the child's mechanisms for working out these issues and is committed to addressing and resolving these issues with the child;

  • if the available support systems to help the adoptive family with future challenges related to the adoption are in place;

  • the child or the adoptive family's circumstances that may require expediting the adoption; and

  • if applicable, the prospective adoptive parent’s understanding of the legal consequences of proceeding to file the petition to adopt a child where the order terminating parental rights is or may be appealed.

When considering whether to file a petition to adopt when the termination of parental rights order is or may be appealed, obtain approval from the DCS Program Supervisor, Program Manager and AAG’s before proceeding.

When the prospective adoptive parent is the child's step-parent who has been legally married to the child's birth or legal parent for at least one year and the child has resided with the step-parent and parent for at least six months; or, is the adult sibling by whole or half-blood, aunt, uncle, grandparent or great-grandparent and the child has resided with the prospective adoptive parent for at least six months, complete the Social Study Report (in the Legal Documents types tab in Guardian), including the results of:

  • the state and federal criminal history records check on the prospective adoptive parent and all adults permanently living in the household; and

  • a Central Registry records check on the prospective adoptive parent and all adults permanently living in the household.

When the child being considered for adoption has resided with the prospective adoptive parent for at least six months and the prospective adoptive parent has adopted a child or was appointed the permanent guardian of the child within three years preceding the current application, or is a licensed foster parent, complete the Social Study Report (in the Legal Documents tab in Guardian), including:

  • the results of the Central Registry records check on the prospective adoptive parent and all adults permanently living in the household; and

  • a review of any material changes in circumstances since the previous adoption, permanent guardianship or license renewal that affect the parent's ability to adopt.

Prospective adoptive parents who reside in Arizona or non-residents who qualify pursuant to ARS § 8-103(B) may file the Petition to Adopt through a private attorney. The Department shall provide all necessary documentation to the selected attorney.

The prospective adoptive parents, in consultation with the attorney and DCS Specialist, will decide whether the Petition to Adopt for a child being adopted in Arizona is filed in the county where the adoptive family resides or in the county where the child is a court ward.

Preparing Documents for Filing of Petition to Adopt

Consult with the DCS Program Supervisor to determine responsibility for completion of the following activities:

  • To obtain the agency's consent for adoption, request, in writing, a signed, witnessed and notarized Consent of Department to Adoption, CSO-1052A, from the DCS Program Manager or designee. Send the original and one copy to the courtesy supervision case manager, if applicable.

  • To prepare for the filing of the Petition to Adopt, complete, or have the adoptive parents complete, the documents required by the attorney filing the petition, which may include but not be limited to the:

    • Application for Adoption or Adoption Certification Application.

    • Department of Health Services form, VS-5, Certificate of Adoption, parts I and II.

    • Original Consent of Department to Adoption (issued by the Department after the social study report has been completed and the child has been in the adoptive home for six months).

    • Other documentation as required by the attorney or the court.

  • If not previously signed, have the adoptive parent(s) sign the completed Adoptive Placement Agreement, CSO-1055A.

  • For prospective adoptive parents who are adopting a child when the order terminating the parent-child relationship is or may be appealed, confirm the prospective adoptive parents have read and understand the legal consequences should the appeal be granted and the adoption decree overturned as described in the Adoptive Placement Agreement.

When the Department has been requested to consent to an adoption and the DCS Specialist assesses that adoption by the family is not in the child’s best interests, the DCS Specialist shall document their specific reasons for this assessment. The DCS Specialist shall consult with the Program Administrator or designee to determine if the Department should consent to the adoption. If the decision is to not consent, the DCS Specialist shall immediately notify the Assistant Attorney General. The court may waive the Department’s consent if the court determines, after a hearing on actual notice to all persons who may be adversely affected, that waiving the requirement is clearly in the child’s best interest.

Preparing Finalization Documentation

To prepare for the finalization of the adoption petition:

  • For step-parents and adult siblings by whole or half-blood, aunts, uncles, grandparents or great-grandparents, ensure the state and federal criminal history records and Central Registry records clearance of child abuse and neglect reports and history on all adults permanently living in the household are current within the last year. Do not complete a state and federal criminal records check on a birth or legal parent who has custody of the child to be adopted.

  • For former Arizona adoptive parents, Arizona licensed foster parents and permanent guardians, complete a review of any material changes in circumstances that affect the prospective adoptive parent's ability to adopt since the parent's adoption certification or foster parent license renewal or permanent guardianship.

For all prospective adoptive parents, complete the Social Study Report (in the Legal Documents tab in Guardian). Social Study part 2 is not intended to be a substitute for the 10-day report to the court for any adoption.

Submit the following documents to the court ten days prior to the hearing on the Petition to Adopt:

  • When the prospective adoptive parent is the child's step-parent who has been married to the child's natural or legal parent for at least one year and the child has resided with the step-parent and parent for at least six months; or is the adult sibling by whole or half-blood, aunt, uncle, grandparent or great-grandparent and the child has resided with the prospective adoptive parent for at least six months submit:

    • verification of the state and federal criminal history records check (within the last year) or a valid level one fingerprint clearance card sent to the court;

    • the results of the current Central Registry records check;

    • the Arizona State Department of Health Services form VS-5, Certificate of Adoption;

    • the Communication Agreement, if applicable; and

    • the Addendum Report to Juvenile Court, if applicable.

  • When the child being considered for adoption has resided with the prospective adoptive parent for at least six months and the prospective adoptive parent has either adopted a child or was appointed the permanent guardian of the child within three years preceding the current application, or is a licensed foster parent, submit:

    • results of the current Central Registry records check;

    • a review of any material changes in circumstances since adoption, guardianship, or license renewal;

    • the Arizona State Department of Health Services form VS-5, Certificate of Adoption;

    • the Communication Agreement, if applicable; and

    • the Addendum Report to Juvenile Court, if applicable.

  • For all other prospective adoptive parents, submit the following:

    • the Social Study Report;

    • the Communication Agreement, if applicable;

    • the Arizona State Department of Health Services form VS-5, Certificate of Adoption; and

    • the Addendum Report to Juvenile Court, if applicable.

Send the above documents as applicable, excluding the results of the state and federal criminal history records check and the Central Registry records check, to the adoption attorney retained by the prospective adoptive parent that is filing the Petition to Adopt.

After the Petition to Adopt has been filed, provide written notification of the date, time and location of the hearing on the petition to the adoptive parents.

If the adoptive family has applied for Adoption Subsidy, confirm the application was received by the Adoption Subsidy unit. If Adoption Subsidy has been approved, ensure that there is a signed Adoption Subsidy agreement prior to finalization of the adoption.

Submit the Social Study Report to the Juvenile Court no less than ten (10) days before the scheduled final adoption hearing.

24 hours prior to the final adoption hearing, conduct a check of the Guardian database to determine if there are any open DCS investigations on the prospective adoptive family.

Attend the final hearing and testify, as required.

Request a certified copy of the adoption decree to include in the DCS hard file for future reference.

If necessary, facilitate the sharing of identifying information between the adoptive and birth parents. See Safeguarding Records & Records Requests.

If a child has been in the adoptive home for nine months or longer and a Petition to Adopt has not been filed, unless extenuating circumstances exist, convene a case conference to discuss reasons for the delay. Participants should include the DCS Program Supervisor, DCS Program Manager, or designee and others who are involved with the case. The purpose of the case conference is to discuss the reasons for the delay and to develop a plan to address identified issues. The plan should include the identification of specific services or supports that are to be provided, dates those are to begin, and a projected date for review of the plan and progress that has been made.


End the child’s removal in Guardian, as well as other DCS services, including child care.

Ensure that the dependency is dismissed as to the child(ren) who was adopted.

If the child is adopted in a different county than where the dependency is being heard, submit a Motion for Dismissal with a redacted copy of the Order of Adoption to dismiss the child from the dependency or dismiss the dependency in it's entirety.

Notify the Assistant Attorney General and FCRB that the adoption is final.

Submit a copy of the Order of Adoption showing the finalization date to the assigned Adoption Subsidy Specialist.

For Indian children subject to the Indian Child Welfare Act, follow procedures in Termination of Parental Rights and Adoption of an Indian Child.

After the final Order of Adoption and the dismissal of dependency is received, close the case record in Guardian within two days. Route the hard copy records to closed records.

If the adoptive parent elects to remain on the Adoption Registry, add the adopted child in the Contacts tab in the Provider record.

If the adoptive parent elects not to remain on the Adoption Registry, update the Provider record to reflect this, and end any services in Guardian. Send a letter to the family notifying them that their case record has been closed.


Document the date the packet was sent to the attorney representing the prospective adoptive parent in Notes.

File a copy of the packet documents in the child's hard copy record.

File a copy of the notification letter sent to the prospective adoptive parents in the child’s hard copy case record.

Effective Date: February 10, 2025
Revision History: November 30, 2012, August 6, 2016, October 17, 2016, July 03, 2018, November 20, 2017, August 27, 2019, February 1, 2021